In parallel with our intellectual property strategy, Neovacs publishes results in peer-reviewed journals and takes part in international scientific conferences to communicate on our most promising advances. Publications are often produced within collaborations with academic teams.
Scientific Publications (2008/2021)
Houssiau FA, Thanou A, Mazur M, Ramiterre E, Gomez Mora DA, Misterska-Skora M, Perich-Campos RA, Smakotina SA, Cerpa Cruz S, Louzir B, Croughs T, Tee ML. IFN-alpha kinoid in systemic lupus erythematosus: results from a phase IIb, randomised, placebo-controlled study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 79(3):347-355.
Ducreux J, Houssiau FA, Vandepapelière P, Jorgensen C, Lazaro E, Spertini F, Colaone F, Roucairol C, Laborie M, Croughs T, Grouard-Vogel G, Lauwerys BR. Interferon α kinoid induces neutralizing anti-interferon α antibodies that decrease the expression of interferon-induced and B cell activation associated transcripts: analysis of extended follow-up data from the interferon α kinoid phase I/II study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2016 55(10):1901-1905.
Durez P, Vandepapeliere P, Miranda P, Toncheva A, Berman A, Kehler T, Mociran E, Fautrel B, Mariette X, Dhellin O, Fanget B, Ouary S, Grouard-Vogel G, Boissier MC. Therapeutic vaccination with TNF-Kinoid in TNF antagonist-resistant rheumatoid arthritis: a phase II randomized, controlled clinical trial. PLoS One. 2014 9(12):e113465
Lauwerys BR, Hachulla E, Spertini F, Lazaro E, Jorgensen C, Mariette X, Haelterman E, Grouard-Vogel G, Fanget B, Dhellin O, Vandepapelière P, Houssiau FA.Down-regulation of interferon signature in systemic lupus erythematosus patients by active immunization with interferon α-kinoid. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 65(2):447-456.
Bouaziz JD, Buanec HL, Zagury D, Bagot M, Bensussan A. [Update on the use of active anti-cytokine therapies with kinoid vaccines for the treatment of inflammatory diseases]. Med Sci (Paris). 2013 29(6-7):669-70.
Whitehead P, Drouet B, Zagury D, Bensussan A. [Anti-viral treatment: pro or cons type I IFN?]. Med Sci (Paris). 2013 29(10):836-9.
Mathian A, Amoura Z, Adam E, Colaone F, Hoekman MF, Dhellin O, Vandepapelière P, Haroche J, Piette JC, Lebon P, Grouard-Vogel G. Active immunisation of human interferon α transgenic mice with a human interferon α Kinoid induces antibodies that neutralise interferon α in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 70(6):1138-1143
Hélène Le Buanec, Marie-Lise Gougeon, Alexis Mathian, Pierre Lebon, Jean-Michel Dupont, Gabriel Peltre, Patrice Hemon, Michel Schmid, Bernard Bizzini, Thomas Künding, Arsène Burny, Armand Bensussan, Zahir Amoura, Robert C Gallo, Daniel Zagury. IFN-α and CD46 stimulation are associated with active lupus and skew natural T regulatory cell differentiation to type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 108(47):18995-9000.
Zagury D, Le Buanec H, Mathian A, Larcier P, Burnett R, Amoura Z, Emilie D, Peltre G, Bensussan A, Bizzini B, Gallo RC, Koutouzov S. IFNalpha kinoid vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies prevent clinical manifestations in a lupus flare murine model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Mar 31;106(13):5294-9.
Bensussan A, Bizzini B, Pouletty P, Gallo RC, Zagury D. [Kinoids: a novel generation of specific immune therapy against cytokines]. Med Sci (Paris). 2008 24(3):306-13.
Scientific Presentations (2019/2021)
23 march 2021. Presentation Pasteur/Inserm/Neovacs : “Anti –IgE vaccination prevents human IgE-mediated severe anaphylaxis in humanized mice” lors du second webinar du “European Mast cell and Basophil Research Network”
24 au 27 Mars 2019. Tahoe City, CA USA : Keystone symposia « Origins of Allergic Disease: Microbial, Epithelial and Immune Interactions »,
20 to 25 may 2019. Gérone , Espagne : Conférence « Antibodies and Complement 2019 »
1st to 5 june 2019. Lisbonne, Portugal : Congrès de l'Académie européenne Allergie et Immunologie clinique, « EAACI 2019 »
28 september to 2 october 2019. Madrid, Espagne : Le Congrès international de l'European Respiratory Society (ERS) -
7 to 11 june 2019. San Francisco, California USA : Congres de l’American Diabetes association